(Originally posted 12/20/2011)
Being that the year is coming to a close I think that now is a good time to reflect back on the year and see what I have learned from my travels in 2011.

First off..I am pretty sure that 2011 was the fastest year of my life! It makes me a little afraid for next years to come.

So onto what I have learned...and in no particular order..

*The process of buying a house is exhausting. Proceed with caution.

*The process of renovating a house...while working full time (not to mention your other half working full time in a different state) is the most work you will ever do...but SUPER rewarding.
 (We bought our house in April and we had the wonderful  idea of  painting our trim and doors white...as well as changing out all the hardware in the house. Let's just say that we are ALMOST done with the UPSATAIRS. Yup...haven't even cleaned the basement yet :/ Whenever the upstairs is done-done I will post pictures. It is coming along nicely...but it is SO MUCH WORK.)

*Exercise is hard. Even harder is sticking to a diet/exercise regimen. This NEEDS to get done in 2012. I planned on losing weight in 2011 and ended up gaining around 5-10 lbs. I don't really know as I purchased a scale only a few months ago...but that is my guess.

*I would have LOVED being a manager at the retail store...but the many closing shifts were just too much for this early bird.

*I LOVE baby things. This is not limited to babies and buying them things that are so freaking cute...but I have developed quite the talent to sewing said cute baby things...and there is a Etsy shop soon to come!
(I am so excited for this it is unreal! I just hope I will have time to work on the house, work full time, and craft said lovely things...oh...and that exercise thing too...I suppose).

*The amazing feeling you get from truely helping someone is beyond words. I am talking actually helping out...not just half-helping.
(Two friends and I helped out a family member with Christmas this year. We suprised her and her children with extra presents since it was a tough year for her. It was awesome.)

*Waiting until Thanksgiving to start thinking of Christmas when you are hosting...is WAY too late.

*Everything happens for a reason. I re-learn this yearly.

*Finding things that you are passionate about really makes life better. My important things are; sewing, baking, organizing, making my house pretty, and enjoying being lazy (ok...being lazy to me is watching Netflix for two consecutive hours while working on something like crocheting or some other small craft task).

*Pinterest is amazing. So many ideas and suggestions for an easier and cheaper life. Love it.

*Cake balls are WAY harder to make pretty than Pinterest leads you to belive.

I am sure there is plenty more but let's leave it there...

For the new year...
I really want to live healthier. Not a diet/exercise but a lifestyle change. I know dougnuts, ice cream, and pizza while delicious...are bad...now I need to live with less of that junk.

Remember all the wonderful things in my life...and no not be jelous of the things others may have that I want so badly. All good things come in time.

Start my Etsy business!

I NEED A VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    I am a lover of life and anyone who can be true to themselves. It is not always easy in this world to be fearless...but it is SO important that we all try!
    If you want to catch up...please view my old blog at jennaferanne.blogspot.com.