Yesterday was a horrible day. It seemed to be a week of bad luck that kept getting worse until Thursday...which was the height of the bad luck.

I got up early for work and jumped in the shower at about 7 am. Nothing out of the ordinary. But a few minutes into my shower I hear the door bell ring...three times. 

I freak out. The roofers are here. Nobody told me they were coming that day, let alone what time. I hurry through my shower and get dressed. By the time I get this far they are on the roof scraping the shingles off. If you have never been in your house when this is going is INSANELY loud. I look outside and see a dumpster in the driveway blocking my car's exit from the garage (the shingles/supplies were on the other half of the driveway) and two trucks parked at the end of the driveway, as well as several more trucks/cars in the street. At this point it hits me...I am alone, barely dressed, and there are more than a dozen strange men on my roof. I panic. Mostly because I can't get out...but also because I have a paranoia of strangers getting too close... especially when I am alone.

And now there are several strangers on the roof.

I tried calling all the numbers that I had for the roofers in hopes that they could get a hold of the guys outside without luck. I was afraid to go outside since the shingles were being scraped and falling off the edge of the house...but I didn't have a choice.

I ran out into the driveway.

At least 15 Mexicans are on the roof. I am not racist in any way, shape, or form...I am just trying to paint a picture. 15 of ANY strange men on my roof would be freaking me the crap out.

I start screaming "this can't work" trying to get their attention. One of the men came down and I explained I need to get my car out...and I was in the shower, which was why I didn't come to the door.

He was nice and apologetic. He said he would figure it out. I told him he had a half hour. 

I did what most girls do when they feel like they are going to scream, cry, hyperventilate, and punch something at the same time do...called mom.

She was at work, but she is awesome and answered anyways. I cried my eyes out in frustration for a good fifteen minutes...maybe more. Then I hurried up with getting ready for work. 8:00 sharp the doorbell rang...I was asked if they could get back to work. I had assumed that they were working on getting the dumpster moved...somehow. But they were moving the shingles. He said I could get out the other side.


I tried that...for all of a min. Between my lack of driving maneuvering skills, and my anger, and frustration I gave up.  

I got out and said...if you think it can be done. You go right ahead. 

Damned if he didn't. Granted it took him a good 5 minutes or so.

I left with 15 min to get to work. Just enough time...but I decided at least gas station coffee would be essential for my day, so I stopped anyways. 

And got to work 3 min early.

After spending a good hour or so fixing the problems from the night before I was able to work for all of two hours, take a lunch, and close up for a meeting. Freaking out, running late as the meeting was at another office. Went to go meet up with the co-worker that I was going with...

Yup. The meeting is a half hour later than I now I needed to walk of shame back to my desk and try to be productive for 15 more minutes. 

I guess from there it got the sense of normal. 

Picture time!

Yesterday's photo: Stairs
And today was something I found. But I didn't find anything today...not that I can think of. picture. Sorry guys. 

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    I am a lover of life and anyone who can be true to themselves. It is not always easy in this world to be fearless...but it is SO important that we all try!
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