(Originally posted 07/13/2011)
Wow. Time flies. July is half over already. I don't know about you...but I am almost looking forward to fall. Although I always do. Fall mornings smell the best and fall nights are perfect for cozy sweaters and comfy boots.

I have been spending my every waking moment working on the house...and being sick. It's been awesome. But I have made some serious progress on our home. One bedroom is completely done...minus some window treatments and in another one I am nearly half finished with the trim. Of course there is still lots to do! We would love to have a house warming gathering sometime...whenever we can get things a bit more situated. I know plenty of people that want to come see the place!!

I just watched Ramona and Beezus. It was really, really cute. I recommend it. 

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    I am a lover of life and anyone who can be true to themselves. It is not always easy in this world to be fearless...but it is SO important that we all try!
    If you want to catch up...please view my old blog at jennaferanne.blogspot.com.